Private Banks' Loan Write-Offs Raise RBI Concerns

Private Banks' Loan Write-Offs Raise RBI Concerns

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has raised concerns over private banks writing off loans to present healthier financial statements. This practice may conceal issues in unsecured lending and obscure the true quality of assets. Despite these write-offs, the Gross Non-Performing Assets (GNPA) ratio dropped to a 13-year low of 2.6% in September 2024, with net NPAs at 0.56%. However, new NPAs in retail loans, especially unsecured ones, accounted for 51.9% of slippages as of September 2024. The RBI also noted a decline in the banking system's liquidity coverage ratio from 135.7% in September 2023 to 128.5% in September 2024

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